Puppy Pictures: the first week!

March 4-11 (most recent pictures first)

Buttercup and the puppies. This picture was taken on Saturday (pups were 5 days old).

Taken Tuesday afternoon, when the pups are about 36 hours old. Each pup has gained over an ounce already! And look how happy Buttercup looks.

Another shot of Buttercup and the pups and one of baby Nora in Mark's hand, both also taken on Tuesday afternoon.

Tired but happy! These pictures were taken about 15 minutes after the sixth and final pup was born. I didn't want to use a flash so they're a liitle dark.

Here's Mark and me (Eunice) sitting with Buttercup after the first pup arrived (you can see Blitz, a few minutes old, to the left of Buttercup).