Puppy Pictures: the third week!

March 19-25 (most recent pictures first)

I have to apologize to everyone for taking so long to get this week's pictures up on the web. My old digital camera (an Olympus D400 Zoom) died last week, so I had to wait for my new camera (an Olympus D490 Zoom) to arrive in order to take any pictures. Then a day after the new camera arrived, Mark's laptop (which we use to download the digital camera pictures) started having problems and is currently in California being repaired! I guess Murphy's Law would predict that these problems would occur while we have puppies in the house!

Taken on Sunday (the puppies will be 3 weeks old tomorrow). Look how big they are!

The babies! I particularly like the middle picture in which Squall is looking at me with the camera as if to say "Do you mind? We're trying to nap here!"

I had to take the Week 3 Video off the website to make space for the Week 4 Video. Sorry!Yes, my new camera takes videos! You'll all have to forgive the poor quality - taking a nice video is a lot harder than I'd imagined it would be! You can see them crawling around and beginning to interact with me and each other. Notice about two thirds of the way through the video, one of the puppies does the infamous "shiba shake"!