Puppy Pictures: the seventh week!

May 15 - May 21 (most recent pictures first)

Norah and Leo.

House time. Please please (do as I say, not as I do) puppy-proof your home (puppies should NOT be playing tug-of-war with house plants!)

Auntie Sarah comes to visit - relaxing on the patio.

Norah and Percy.

And a few more of Norah and Percy. Having a litter of puppies is a ton of work, but they certainly are rewarding.



Notice the new collars? Quila kept taking the puppy (velcro) collars off of herself and her siblings, so we replaced them with real collars - Cassie in "Diamond Back", Quila in "Flutterby", Percy in "Peace Pup" and Leo in "Gold Leaf" (Lupine patterns).